assalamualaikum.. rindu gler nk ber blogging nieh... hmm..
aku sbnrnye jeles la tgk kwn2 aku yg dh abih,..
seyes jeles...
ade yg dh konvo..
ade yg dh bertunang.. yg lg jeles hahahhaahha ni haa yg dh kahwen... aiseyh.... yelah
itulah jodoh yg dikatakan.....kepada kwn kelas ku mase form 5 ... tahniah ye farhana!!!!!
so aku nk tunjuk la dulu ape aktiviti aku aftermath quit being optometrist... huh? tah betul ke tah ayat aku ni..
jom lihat cuci mate
some of my "hand made"
let me introduce to ladies and gentlemen..
this is my indulgent cake,
duration: 4 days
level: need high level of patience coz need a lot of time and move fast. and mostly need a lot of practice doing cake-ting!
nmpk x yh level bwh tu mcm aiscream, tgh2 to sbnrnye moose choch n yg putih tuh lbh kurg mcm moose jgk tp actly lg pejal dr choc.
ni la yg aku kate tuh yg white moose to.. actly it likely more like aice cream but it actly not.
klw korg prasan kn mse korg beli kek indulgent from secret recipe, cube perhatikan yg white layer kat kek tuh mesti korg igt ice cream kn?
klw korg prasan kn mse korg beli kek indulgent from secret recipe, cube perhatikan yg white layer kat kek tuh mesti korg igt ice cream kn?
haa same la ngan aku.. tp skrg dh buat rupenye x, tp texture dia mcm aiscream tp dia lg sticky dari ice cream. coz dia ade mix of gelatine+susu uht, telur n watever...
korg phm ke ape yg aku katekn nie??
order lai2...
ni cupcake yg di order oleh kwnku, EG.. yeahh big clap for eg....tadaaa....
ye lah for some1 special...
thank you EG!
TADA~... dh siap utk delivery...
okeyh itu aje.. wat mse ni..
p/s: actly aku baru je habis dr bukak booth dgn cousin aku smlm dkt national library..sempena festival penyusuan ssu ibu sedunia peringkat putrajaya dan wilayah.
so alhamdulillah ade la sket pengalaman bukak booth dgn darah daging sendiri kn.. ecehh.. kami jual barangan bayi...
mcm ni laa booth kami~