i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

TRY N try an error... SO WHAT?

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 2/03/2010 05:29:00 PM

IT is not possible if i can write in another language...

okey that`s it i what to make some improvement...haha
jgn la gelak k...

i know that im not so so soooo excellent in this
lingua..... but i try it.....

n try it...

practise make perfect!!!
(semangat berkobar2 atas dorongan ramai pihak. thanx u all)

it is good if i give a try n not make any assumption to other people who give compliment to my
besides, this is my blog
its my pleasure to do anything wit it.. hhohohohoh suke hati r....

okey we start wit today....

firstly i have a pt professional class this morning...
by m.a.b.a.h. aka as abah...
but we cant call he abah coz other lect. didt want we call him abah... dont no y... my super
call he abah even talking in the phone....hurrmmm..

then we have a gap bout 4 hours.. huh long right?
i went back to my apartment n read what i have 2 bcoz
we have a practical test next class... huh so scared (even not so scared)
study + eating+ sleeping+pray then go to the class...

i am a bit sad when i want to go to the class..
because of my friends...
they leave me ... but its not the time yet y the r so rushing..?? grrrr....
i`m hate it when i`m thinking about that....
feeling bad huh...

my b its my fault... but as i said it. its not the time yet!!!!!!!!!!
huh if they want 2 stdy just stdy while we walking... its not too bad, besides we can still absorb it..right?

huh... i just walk wit eza...

then wafi n i get inside the exam room ... we r the 3rd pair n 1st ladies pair after zam n man

HAHa Guess what???

i`ve got pivot stand from bed to wheel chAIR..

ALHAMDULLILAH.... thank god....

cik mardiah n cik dia..
they r so nice plus..seriously gorgs....

lawa siot.... instead if i was a guy.. i would fall in love whith this 2 ladies..
young n pretty...

then balik...

i`ve enhance my blog.. how its look...

huhuhu~~ berejam kot nk tgu tenet kt sini okey.. huh

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