hari ni pn aini x de. tp physio round as usual..
erm patient not as much as before, myb some of them had been discharge from ward.
best la kowrang... walhal kami msh lg belum discharge dari practicle...
alhamdulillah praise to Allah. it had been 2 weeks already ...n
it should be fine to me as semester 6 student or aka final year student.
but, eventually.. everything seems like to be new for me... all the bed had tickets turns to normal after the sem5 haha. yes becoz, at HTI the tickets was written such weird and very lazy notes* through my experience. so i felt so safe when it turns to normal again when reach here, the Malaysia second largest hospital.
owh for ur infomation. this place is known as healthy or should i said "very educated on health orr... very unsave for healthy person?"
why i dare to said all these words?
when u reach here. every 5 kilometers u can count the hospitals. yes. in 5 kilometers u can found 13 hospital.
every corner or any straight way u can found hospital. this is place sometimes a bit scares for me. the hospital pakar is like scattered every where ... yeah private hospital no need to say la... haha
when there are "some thing" turns wrong OR not applicable for the practice,
just only write the refer letter then at the end send to us...
because y? the pakar2 surgeon r born from this hospital. and the student pakar2 one.. are practice in the hospital.
maybe this is a good chance for me to gain much knowledge..
okey. tadi, when we do our round to treat pt, yeah we stop at the ortho ward.
then need to do chest physio for this old man patient. he had cominuted fracture on
her daughter ask many thing about the exercise given. what to do? what the exercise ? do he need to turn or what? haha so many question la aunty... but i think if i in her shoes, may be i do the same thing.
but from my point of view, i thing this is what we called, the educated patient. want to ask all this, that and watever.. till i get confuse what the carrer said is not written in the tickets.
then after done the treatment. she said.. TERIMA KASIH HA FATIN...
alamak dia bace name aku kt baju r... hhaaha. but i feeel good... hehe such feel like u are doing somthing that very nice to that person.. such relief..haha then feel motivated a bit..haha
pantang org puji kau sikit kan?
hahahahhaha but assessment x leh buat kt uncle tuh sbb our subject for this time posting is not necessary to the patient condition..haih.. mane nk dpt kes byk2 nieh?? pening r.. kes x byk dh 2 minggu.. nak cari ape yg nak je susah r mane ade semua ade kes spine...haih...
owh yea, afternoon tdi i smpt g pasar ape tah yg dia jual barang lame and mcm2 brang n mknan la..
the pasar is just oppst the road of my house. my dad called it pasar kulit. haha bit weird kan name dia but actula name ade tah ame ape sbnrnye my cousin told me la td but lately sng sgt la lupe.. patient ade penyakit ape pun leh lupe.. bahaya betul kn?byk sgt ke bnde nk kene fikir yng oi?
g sne buah2han sgt mengembirakan aku... the variety or colors hhuuu.. ade buah kiwi,oren,apple and mcm la including buah naga lah... n guess wat lemon pun ade kkk.... huhu td jumpe pokok strawberry jenis siam.. bkn cameron punya dia jual rm8 je.. siap dh bebuah byk.. hhaa sgt rase mcm nk beli... tp nanti dlu la.. sbb dia blh hidup kt cuaca mlaysia. klw cameron mmg dh layu dh pokok dia tuh... so whhat do u think?
picture at HTI
3 gosip:
phewiitt. baju doktor lahh. xD
phewiitt. baju doktor lahh. xD
haha posing je lebih!! :P
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