i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Monday, February 20, 2012


diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 2/20/2012 11:10:00 PM

x jwb dosa..

hmm cuti duk kt penang ni mmg byk abh duet, byk g bjln..haha
syok auuu..hehehe

aku tertnya2.. knpe aku tgk org sng je bercinta,, kjp ade kjp xde kjp ade buah aty..
knpe ha diorg ni mdh meluahkn kata2 rindu, cinta dan sewaktu dgnnya..
mudh menerima n accpt wht it is..
x mcm aku..
nk accept cinta mmg pyh,
nk ucp kata2 cmtu lg payah..
nk bcnta selgi yg atas ni x lps x pyh nk hrp r..
bk kate org mmg pyh la psl aku...
aku ni perfectionist sgt ker??
enth aku pun x tau...
y r korg sng je accpt org lain dgn sng n sng bri hti kpd org.. haha..
aku? keadaan dh mcm main tarik tali ade r..
 at pdg kota ahd lps.

i miss u Ezad.  1'm sorry coz i really miss u a lot that for sure.
miss to see u with ur tournament. n  of cz miss to treat u. cant denied it.
im sorry..........................................imy.

1 gosip:

bball dribbler said...

seriously u wanna know y?
its not bcuz of easy or hard to get or give the heart...it's wether u listen to ur heart or not,cik fatin... ('^,)


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