i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Sunday, March 21, 2010

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 3/21/2010 12:29:00 AM 2 gosip
i dont know what to say anymore..

Friday, March 19, 2010

being in love is hurts

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 3/19/2010 05:41:00 PM 1 gosip

felling smtng wrong smwhere...

dear diary,

smtimes i couldn't bare with it

is it i'm too sensitive?


is it because i hope i can spend my own time wit u, half


we cant.................

can i have

some a bit free time to spend wif u...

i really fall in my drops of tears.

im not strong enough to be in this way

dear diary...

can i cry by your side...?

can i cry on your shoulder?

can i kiss u?

can i hug u?

i really need someone on my side.

i just cant stop from crying bout you

is it have to go like this way?

is it i have to feel like this?

why cant we b smting else..

or we just too young to be in this situation?

or is it just bcause i am too young to fall in love??

is it is not perfect time for me to fall in love??


is it my heart is not so ready to be in love?

or is it because i'm to sensitive?

is it u r not for me?

can i get my answer?

can i know y i behave such like dis?

i know
i already know wat answer is it from u.

i bare wit that...

he is bzzy...
nk tahan lama2... tajpe lah dia penat...

its not our free time like semester break.

y just we cn be like usual..
even in sem break we cant have time togther

in my mind

is it coz I'm to think about it?

is it is time for me to study about my future

is it i'm to think about love. is it because im jealouse of smting?

hurm... i dont know what i have to do....

smtimes i feel so lonely...

can i dance wif u in the rain?

can i be wit u all the time

can we walk together

can we ?

can u hear my heart saying?

can u hear my heart crying?

because i dont talk to sum person just like my best friend did..

i miss my best frnd....

i nak balik

i turns to my silent view when it turns to like this...

from testing my tears to drop better i be silent n dont talk what i've feel..

i know u will feel nothing when im be silent n dont talk like usual...

it will turns to my lame attitude.

until now i just cant stop my tears drops on my face

when iffah ask me.. should her be in love again....??

my answer..

"i think u should be ready before you fall in love wif some1 coz u cant avoid from being hurt"

yes.. when be want to be equal to some1 it is not equal to others.. so we r not perfect

i really hope that i can be in the ice skating now... im think of that lately...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

puji puji... atin scandal

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 3/17/2010 12:13:00 AM 4 gosip
hoho... i sleep so many times today..
hoho sleep then sleep then sleep again

my b just because i had pms... plus tired because of the orentasi
n i rarely get my big bad... huhu miss my bed..
lately i feel more tired...

but actually i had more free classes but it has placed wit kelas ganti lah or some other activities...


hoh know what i nearly spend about rm200++ on that saturday when im going outing with my peers.. yelah with those swimming suits yg expensive (keringT.T) . ok2 actly i have 2 choice of swimming suits i is the cheapest n i wif expensive (my fav brand actly) the cheapest 1 is not so my taste urh.. i just cant buy it..coz i dont want 2 regret it next time..

so i pilih my choice.. my choice is xde kene mengene pun ngan yg mahal n murah tu..

so i pick n match my self.. hoho i love it.. its cool.. coz it suits my taste ... the base is brown. n kt tgn dia tuh (lengn) ade cm corak askar lak.. tp it dosnt matter to me...

i take xl taw u jgn tekejut my b coz i da x bese ngan ketat situ sane.. so it fine im okey wit it even my friend said it to big 4 me.. but this swmmng suit mmg jenis yg kecik la ... bukan yg mcm korng igt.. xl pun da mcm saiz bdan i... SO HARGA dia x r=murah n mahal sgt sesuai ngan budget i below rm 200 tu pun sbb aku beli yg bnde yg ptt bkn yg bukan2 eh,,

tp yg td dorng duk tanye2 aku is.. y i can have so many scandal?
hey hellow..
i xde scandal eh... .
dorng pelik.. ape ingt aku ni play girl ke.. mse kecik2 ye la kot but i setia taw..

ok fine mungkin dorng dah twice tgk i ble outing ngan diorng ade je sum guy yg akn bercakap ngan i... actly it is coincident ok... aini kate aku ni peramah mudah dpt kwan.. mmg tp aku ssh nk dpt kwn yg betul2 blh memahami n rapat...

ceritanye cmni sem lepas ble kuar outing 4 the 1st time ade sum guy nie dia tego aku.. so ckp la kebetulan dia pun duk uitm shah alam...
seyes mmg aku ingt dia mamat indon mne rupenye student..

then ble hri tu kuar outing tga dlm ktm aku bg la duk kt nenek cina ni ye lah ramai kot aku yg muda ni kene la bg kt yg tua tmpt duduk ni.. respect ma.. ps tu duk la kt tiang tu sorng2 then ade sum guy ni aku bknnye pasan sgt coz aku mmg pndg tmpt lain . dia pun x silap bg tmpt ddk kt org yg lebh brhak.. dia duk tiang seblh aku .. aku tunduk je la.. wat derk je..
then tbe2 dia tego aku aku layn r dah dia tanye kebetulan dia pun ex student uitm kt johor.. dia tanye pasal fisio.. yelah org mne la tau sgt pasl cos aku nieh..

then borak2.. tbe2 dh smpai coz aku tgk kwn2 dah grak.. perbualan pun terhenti di situ jela..
kuar je dorng ckp..


pasang ape pancing?? hellow... aku x pncing pun...

siap tanye lg ape rahsia aku ? SPE YG TEGO DULU??

diorng la yg tego..aduihai..
entah mane aku taw.. aku pakai x pelik pun bese2 sederhana yg lebih baik...

korng amik bgr.. amik la yg aku tau aku x lbh pada tuh...kami di pisahkn ngan 1 tiang ktm ok..

n aku xde rahsia tuk sume tuh.. yg pnting jd dri sendiri ....

fyi.. I LOVE U Muhammad Firdaus...even i kene tegor ngan sape skali pun...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 3/11/2010 12:47:00 PM 1 gosip
sifat orng2 november~~

NOVEMBER ialah :

Banyak idea dalam perkara
ye ker??? may be sbb aku rase mmc x complete je klw aku x bg idea dlm sesuatu perbincanngan

Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya
betul2.. i think..

Berfikiran kehadapan Berfikiran unik dan bijak Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luar biasa
hahah.... klw berfikiran unik tu mungkin ade betulnyer...

Pemikiran yang tajam Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi Bagus untuk jadi doktor Cermat dan teliti...
pemikiran yg tajam tuh.. hurm x pasti .firasat tu mcm betul. cermat tuh cmner eh nk ckp yelah myhalf said im clumsy.... huh.....

Personality dinamik Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia
yes i have a lots of secret... i will tell some1(who i trusted) the secret but not 100%

Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran
yes i cant denied it. im think much thats y some time i forget somthing what i've 2 do.. yea it could be.. refer in my situation now (i had alot of assignmnet. think bout 5 or six somthing urh + test tu ni la )

Terlalu degil dan keras hati apabila hendak.
i cant denied this statemnt but i cant said its true... its depend

Diusahakan sehingga berjaya
most of it...

Tak suka marah kecuali digugat
i think my half noe bout this i pretty sure... yeah i will be angry if i have to...

Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain
thats correct... yupyup..=D

Pandai muhasabah diri Cara berfikir lain dari orang lain
sometime.... but sometime i cant...

Otak yang sangat tajam
hahah gune sharpener..hurm.. based on the game at module last day.. i cant denied it

Pandai mendorong diri sendiri Tidak hargai pujian
mendorong tu betul tp tak hargai pujian itu tidak betul sama sekali!!! tak betul!!

Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi dan apabila hendak sesuatu cuba sampai berjaya
Insya Allah...

Badan yang "tough" (sasa)
haha nonsense.. aku tough?? klw aku tough mesti kak anith kate aku buat massage kt dia sedap ni dia kate x rase sgt... padahal da pegng betul2 tu.. (kene jd muscular nie)

Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam Romantik
huhu betul mmg tepat... sbb tu i cepat trase ape yg orng ckp sbb ape yg orng ckp tuh mmg amik dalam la bkn sengaja tp mmg dah mcm tu

Tidak pasti dgn hubungan kasih sayang
this is im not sure but i love my half

Suka duduk di rumah
70% sbb i x suke nk berjemur tgh panas dan bersesak sgt n menunggu bas n menghabis duit(yeke) tp ble i ade mood mmg x lekat la kt rumah i suke mengunjungi rumah kwn2... lg sng.. masak same2... wwaaaa rinndu nye haq,nadiah,nailah,huda, as,tia,leen n waida~~~~ tringt time skola suke masak same2.. best...comot2 heheh =))))))

Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia
Insya Allah... anda yg lbih berhak menilai saya...

Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi

Bercita-cita tinggi Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah:
hahah betul2.. dulu nk sgt jd doktor veterinar tp dpt physioz...

all in all... this statement is not essential 4 u tu trust it100% yg mane betul tu x pe la tp agak2 la weh manusia yg wat ni bukan ALLAH...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

hello pretty baby...

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 3/03/2010 11:15:00 PM 0 gosip
from the pie chart.. hohoh Da terbiasa lak wat article BEL ...


I just forgot my presentation...

hahha so truk gler kn aku rase cm x gune je..
galabh gle ko aku kurng preparation....

so preparation kitong sbelum wat presentation ialah ni...

menyanyi2 dlm dewan dgn lagu hindustan ;P

hahhax.. idea kak yan r ni.. btw.. its ok what.. despite look like ridiculous but we had share our time 2gther by release our tension causes by agglomeration of assignment..

da~ this sem causing me to do so many assignment. so tired to do all la weyh.. just yesterday wat presentation then the next week da kene wat present ke kedua.. haih.... tp dgr kate abah nk g clinical.. hurm.. boring la xde spe nk cerita pasal patient n the doctors kt kami.. hurmm

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