i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Saturday, May 1, 2010

something you should know in your life =)

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 5/01/2010 02:51:00 PM 0 gosip
presentation professional profession in physiotherapy 1

hey u know, after reading dis anatomy book for the next exam, i want to share something with you from the knowledge i gain...


1.Did u know that what is the hardest substance in your body? think first before u look at the answer below...

if your answer is BONE it is wrong!

hehe the answer is your TEETH! ok i give u the reason y.. it is becoz it is cover by the enemal
which primarily contain phosphate and calcium carbonate.. it also harder that bone becoz of its even higher content of calcium salts. it is also protect from acid.

2.what do you think about your stomach? has how many region in ur stomach u guess?

there is 4 region in your stomach did u know. the superior is known as cardia second is fundus, third is body n the last near to our deodenum is pylorus.

3. did u know that vomiting can be serious in infant and elderly people because the loss of acidic gastric juice that can lead to alkalosis (higher than normal blood pH), dehydration n damage to ur esophagus and teeth.

4. what do u think bout liver??

fyi, liver is the heaviest gland in our body , weighing about 1.4 kg in average adult. of all of the organs of the body , it is second only to the skin in size.

well chill.. our body is very good in maintaining homeostasis.. so u should appreciate the creation that god made us..

dear my half..
its really nice when hearing ur happy voice
even only on the phone..
after a few times we didn't reach each other......
well its final time need to catch up what u have as a university student..
learn more and think wisely

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