i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Thursday, July 28, 2011

back pain exercise for those who had stiffness in the morning.

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 7/28/2011 11:06:00 PM
recently i had seen many patient who had more prone to have back pain. I know how it was. I'hv been through of dat since in high school. usually doctor gv me conservative medication that is orthophedic...bla2.. somthing. sorry i couldn't remember the medication that hv been given. It is actually drugs for elderly.. yeahh. becoz elderly are the person who usually develop that symptom.

haha bt what can i do. it hd been the solution for me at that particular time.
yelah at that time i never thought bout physio maa... n could be that i don't even know/care about physio at that time..

this video may be can be the solution for those who had back pain priory for those who had back pain after wake up in the morning.
but actually this exercise can be done for person who had back pain even though for pregnant lady. BUT must remember and take precaution. that not all pregnant lady can done this type of exercise. consideration must be given on what trimester of the pregnancy. the size of the person to done all this exercise. sometimes, some of those who r obese, or over weight cant do the exercise gven d/t adipose tissue.

so pape hal . whatever it is please consult the doctor k..

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