i will try MY bEST ... !! CAYOK2

Friday, April 9, 2010

mrs Z : princess U doing piking up massage

diposkan oleh mya fathira tyrex at 4/09/2010 08:34:00 PM
GEDikss- g3diks at MPH


a bit late for wake up this m0rNinG..

its ok. coz i sleep late last nite..

doing my killer subject test ANP 120.. huh..
then reach there bout 8.30 am..

we waiting 4 or lectr bla2.. then 1 group get into test room.. about 7 pair.. including me myself n ita

ita was the first one that taking 1st test so i be second to tx her.
she got massage so do i... but she got palmar kneeding..

huh doing like kneeding dough on my gastroc..(calf)
so relaxing... rase nk suruh dia wat whole body jer... name pun massage who can denied it right?

then mrs.Z said it is not so effective..? i dont know what she is mean by that... hurmm... coz we only have pass mark or failed mark.. like marking for qualified of the doctor.. huh... SO strict...

when my turn, i've got piking up on deltoid muscle... huh...
for me i know what to do n i think i'm doing it right coz i can see her upper arm turns to red it meat that the blood flow increase n it shows that i'm doing massage effective..

but how can i know.. im not professional yet in massage technique... mrs.Z said that im not fully support her... but actly im support her with the pillow tat has been given...


nasib i x kene piking (cubit) wif her like my friend does... dear my peers dont be sad... we've be in that group 2gther.. waaa,..... so i cant be mesua..(tah pe tah ejaan dia x tau la)

BOsS A.K.A lady bosS
(Subang parade)

dear, BOss... i hope u enjoing ur happiness in sunway lagoon... i thnk its is good that u have not come to the test bcoz the result my b disappointed... im jealous wit u..

since the time is walking, im still miss u...
when we gonna meet?

im always thinking beyond the time..
what will happen? is it gonna be same..?
looking 4 the pairs...
make me wonder is it happend like they say...
n make me wonder till now...

"will we be such in romantic way like b4 married after we get married"

coz i've seen many guys who get married leave his wife behind when he walking..

mcm x nk ngaku isteri pulak..

b4 married mcm2 ckp..

lautan api snggup ku redah.. bla2... , i akan pegang tangan u sentiasa walau dimna berada... WAK LU... huh... benci orng segini...

orang kate" bercinta bagai nak rak,
lepas kawin habuk pun tarak..." but i dont know.....

i hope that im not going on that way i coz i hope that i still holding my spouse hand even when we get married n untill we get old 2gther... haha so sweet..

my love,

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